Non -traditional approaches to improving erections

It is not without reason that potential has a similar concept in meaning - masculinity, human strength. Despite the fact that he doesn’t seem to play a significant role, his loss can completely change a man’s life. According to statistics, erectile dysfunction is diagnosed in men over the age of 45, but in recent years, cases have become more frequent when it is found in young people whose age is barely over 30 years.

Erectile dysfunction can develop in almost every man, so it’s important to know how to prevent it and, if necessary, treat it.

There are many reasons for this situation:

  • unfavorable ecological conditions;
  • vitamin and mineral deficiencies;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • contagious disease;
  • psychological problems;
  • pelvic and genital organ injuries;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hormonal disorders.

It can be quite difficult to avoid even one of the listed phenomena, and therefore almost all cases of impotence are due to some negative influence.

For the treatment of erectile problems, both drugs and folk remedies can be used.

It is possible to eliminate problems with erectile function, but this requires great effort from men. The first thing the patient’s official medicine advises is to undergo a course of treatment with medications. In some cases, surgery may be required. However, such measures are often only temporary. In this case, to increase potency, men are advised to use folk remedies to increase potency.

General principles of traditional medicine for impotence

Traditional medicine, as well as formal medicine, involves the use of funds whose actions are aimed at eliminating traumatic factors, restoring the function of organs and systems. Also important in the issue of strengthening erectile function is the prevention of negative effects on the body of various factors.

According to principles developed over the years, the most acceptable methods to raise the tone are:

  • Normalization of nutrition with the mandatory inclusion in it of products that stimulate potency.
  • Increase physical activity according to the reason.
  • Strengthens immunity through the intake of vitamins, minerals and the use of other means to stimulate it at home.
  • Restores metabolism and increases hormone synthesis with folk remedies (including the use of herbs, honey, etc. ).

All these methods have a single goal - the complete restoration of the function of all body systems and the male reproductive system in particular.

Nutrition that cures sexual dysfunction

To increase potency quickly, especially if a man is old, this method will not help, but it will minimize the development of pathology that leads to complete loss of erection. The dogma of proper nutrition is the basis of a diet for impotence. However, this method of eliminating dysfunction has its own characteristics. Therefore, doctors recommend to contact a specialist before changing the diet to identify hidden pathologies in which a standard diet can endanger the health of the already affected.

Especially useful for men with erectile dysfunction are protein foods that contain little fat. This includes:

  • lean meats - rabbit, chicken, turkey, beef, lean lamb;
  • fish caviar;
  • legumes and (green) grasses belong to this family;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • eggs, preferably quail;
  • low -fat and unsalted cheese;
  • fish (especially marine).

In addition to protein foods, it is recommended to consume herbs, vegetables (pumpkin, including zucchini, cucumbers and, in fact, pumpkin with seeds), rice, cereals and cereals.

a useful product for potential

Enriching your diet with Omega-3 acids will benefit the potential.

To improve the process of synthesis of male sex hormones, spices will help, which must be added in moderation to the dish. Cloves, ginger root and chili peppers, cinnamon and other herbs with a spicy taste, except turmeric, will help increase testosterone levels. You can also diversify the menu with traditional sour milk products of Asian countries - ayran and koumiss, goat's milk.

Good for men and products containing Omega-3 acids, namely nuts with honey, green plants and herbs (spinach, asparagus, celery), sunflower seeds.

After the diet is established, men experience a systematic and very stable increase in erections and libido. If this does not happen, or the method does not work fast enough, it is recommended to restore male strength using other methods.

Movement as a way to increase potential

Using gymnastic exercises to increase men’s strength is far from a new idea. The most appropriate way to do this at home is to do Kegel exercises. They help improve blood circulation in the prostate gland and genitals, which has a positive effect on the erection process. In addition, they are useful for improving the general tone of the body in men.

Running regularly or at least walking helps improve erections.

Also, official and traditional medicine recommends jogging, horseback riding (and let it can only melan bikes, not horses), swimming.

Phytotherapy as a way to eliminate erectile dysfunction

This method of improving male sexual function is the oldest method previously described and is at least a few hundred years old. To implement it, you need herbs that you can easily prepare for use at home. In addition, bee products may be required. In short, traditional medicine offers a wide variety of recipes.

In most cases, any natural remedy to normalize the function of the male genital area is a drink - tea, decoction, tincture or infusion of water. At the same time, potential treatment with folk remedies, which include medicinal herbs, should last at least a month, and before you start using this method of therapy, you should at least generally learn about the causes of dysfunction. This is necessary to choose the most suitable of all methods of complex therapy.

So, with the inflammatory nature of impotence, emphasis should be given on the normalization of blood circulation and tissue repair. Herbs with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and regenerative effects can also help in this regard, a decoction of which should be taken during the day in small doses. Candles with honey or propolis will also be an indispensable tool.

Slightly different methods are needed for impotence due to hormonal failure or due to diseases of the endocrine system. In this case, the recipe includes herbs that tend to normalize the hormonal background, reduce or stimulate the production of certain hormones.

Treatment of men with such drugs at home should begin with a visit to a specialist, because this method of therapy is fraught with various complications - the plant can affect a man's hormonal background not as expected. Only after consultation with a urologist, endocrinologist or phytotherapeutist can begin to take the ingredients fully using the methods that will be described below.

Recipes for folk remedies

The most popular recipes for restoring all functions of the reproductive system in men contain herbs such as ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, calamus rhizome and aralia.

Their preparation methods are as follows:

  1. Soup - one tablespoon of the mixture boiled in a glass of water for no more than 5 minutes, after which it is filtered. It is not recommended to take the drug immediately. It is best to let them stand for a few hours until they are cool. You should drink decoctions during the day in equal portions before meals or immediately afterwards, drinking the entire amount provided daily.
  2. Infusion - one tablespoon of herbal mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water in a thermos and left for 8-12 hours. After that, the agent is filtered. Drink the infusion before meals or at the end of meals during the day in small portions.
  3. Tinctures - 100-200 grams of raw material is crushed and poured with 0. 5 liters of alcohol or vodka, after which the mixture is stuffed and placed in a dark place. The method of preparation of this healing drink is the longest, because the drug is prepared not during the day, but for 2-3 weeks. Before use, the tincture does not need to be filtered, but it is taken in 10-15 drops (sometimes it is recommended to increase the dose to 25 ml during the day). It is better to drink such a composition before meals, however, there are recipes that prepare to take after meals.

The methods of preparation listed are suitable for all plants and collections thereof. Next, we will consider what fees can be taken by men with erectile dysfunction.

Healing fees

Collection of mint, field clover (inflorescence), St. John's wort. John and the nettle. This drug has been used for many years in the nature of inflammation and / or infectious sexual dysfunction - with prostatitis, STIs and so on. At home, tea or infusion is prepared from it (recipe described above). You can drink it during the day, preferably in the morning and evening an hour after a meal, or half an hour before a meal.

A good remedy that can be taken before sexual intercourse to increase potency consists of pumpkin herbs and white flowers, which should be taken in one teaspoon. They must be combined with a mixture of milk and grape juice in equal proportions (100 ml each). Drugs must be heated and drunk before intercourse. It gives an almost immediate effect.

Collection of immortelle flowers, valerian, St. John's wort. John in the form of an aqueous infusion, taken in the evening and in the morning after meals, restores the psycho-emotional state, and also has a positive effect on blood circulation in the genitals of a man. The same effect has a powder from pine nuts, mixed with water to an emulsion state, which must be taken during the day in a teaspoon at least three times.

Stinging nettle seeds can significantly increase male libido. Old recipes recommend using it fresh - within a day after picking. However, they also work after drying at home, especially when mixed with honey and red wine. Such a tool is also a good prevention against various infections.

Traditional medicine also provides treatment of erectile dysfunction with poisonous herbs, but doctors warn of the dangers of its use: many plants contain compounds that can cause paralysis of the heart muscle or respiratory center in the event of an overdose of one hundred grams. . They must be used very carefully, but it is still better to give priority to safe fees.